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Doing The Emotion Code Healed His Knee Pain

My friend texted that her husband, Glen, was in pain. His knees hurt so much, he was in tears. He was having difficulties getting around at work. He was up and down continuously on his knees getting tools. I asked Glen for permission to work on him. I went through The Emotion Code Charts for Trapped Emotions, a Heart-Wall, and inherited Trapped Emotions. By the end of the session, his knees were about pain-free and he was able to go to sleep. Later I received a text where he thanked me for helping him. Glen was able to get around better at work after that. He also took a cruise and was able to do things he hadn't done in a long time. ~Sheree B.

Peace Found After Clearing Trapped Emotions With The Emotion Code

The most intense experience I’ve witnessed was when I first discovered I could work on animals. My 15-year-old German Shepard was in the process of dying and was hanging on. It was torture for us, though our boy seemed to not be in pain. My husband couldn’t bear to put him down. We had rescued him as a puppy and never knew his history. I was able to clear issues of abandonment and a few other trapped emotions. He seemed so peaceful after that and my husband could see that he was really ready to go. We were all finally at peace. ~Randy H.

Knee Pain Disappeared

I was working on a client at work. He had severe pain in one of his knees. I released about 4 trapped emotions and the pain in his knee was disappeared. I asked him a few days later how his knee was doing. Knee was still pain free.

5 Negative Human Emotions and What They Mean

Healing from things that have hurt us emotionally can be a confusing process. We are usually aware of when we are feeling hurt or upset, but what about more complex feelings like abandonment, betrayal, insecurity, resentment, and vulnerability? The ability to recognize and correctly label these negative emotions can facilitate emotional healing and understanding. The Emotion Code (™) Definitions of Emotions contains helpful definitions for these five emotions. 1. Abandonment “Physical abandonment is being left alone, left behind, or deserted (this is the type of abandonment that we most often see in childhood). Emotional abandonment is being given up on, withdrawn from, emotionally deserted or separated from, or a feeling of being ‘left behind’ in a non-physical form.” According to Sharie Stines, Psy.D, “Being invisible to your loved one is an existential wound. It causes you to feel that you don’t matter and questions your right to even exist. Research has found that one of the primary ways to injure a person is to remove him or her from significant human contact; particularly communication.” 2. Betrayal “Betrayed [or betrayal] is to have your trust broken, to be deserted or hurt by a trusted one. Betrayal of another is to be unfaithful in guarding or fulfilling a trust; to be disloyal or violate a confidence, to desert someone who trusts you. Betrayal of the self is to break integrity, act against one’s morals, to abuse the body or soul.” Betrayal can [...]

Physical Changes Manifest for Daughter & Mother after Releasing Their Trapped Emotions

My favorite story is about Lorie who had a very pronounced hump in her neck. I had worked on her by proxy to clear her Heart-Wall. Once her Heart-Wall was cleared, I worked with her in person because her neck and back were hurting. Her pain level was about an 8 out of 10 when she arrived. I started clearing trapped emotions by asking, "Do you have a trapped emotion contributing to your neck and back pain?" The 3rd trapped emotion discovered was inherited and went back 16 generations. This was the first time I had ever witnessed a physical change in someone's body right before my eyes. I wasn't sure what to do. I was thanking God for the miracle I just witnessed. I wasn't able to continue because the experience left me speechless and amazed. After the session, she had no pain in her neck or back. To this day I wish I would have had taken before and after pictures just to remind myself how amazing this really is. Lorie's mom had a similar problem. She had a hump on the right side of her neck. After 2 sessions, the hump completely went away. Hers was more gradual over time, not a sudden release like Lorie's. I can't wait to see what God will do next! ~Wayne Mitchell

The Emotion Code Helps Neck and Back Pain

My daughter and I have found that after releasing several emotions we feel lighter and happier. Sometimes we really like it when we are required to get more information in order to release an emotion because that has been very enlightening information to have. My husband had excruciating neck pain one evening. He agreed to go through The Emotion Code process with me. This was one of those times where more information was required before the emotion would release. We discovered after many yes and no answers via muscle testing, that a situation he went through during the week was emotionally similar to an experience he went through 20 years ago triggering that trapped emotion. Once we released the emotion, his neck felt better and better and upon waking the next morning, it was completely gone! Last week, a customer came into the store with lower back pain. After showing her several products, I told her about The Emotion Code and how we could attempt to release that emotion today. She voluntarily agreed since she had nothing to lose and it wouldn’t cost her anything. Before we started, her pain was at an eight. After we released the first emotion, her pain went down to a seven. After we released the second emotion, her pain went down to a four. After we released the third and final emotion, her pain went down to a three. She left feeling cautiously relieved, [...]

Raise Your Vibrational Frequency To Avoid Trapping Emotions

If you have worked with The Emotion Code and The Body Code, no doubt you have noticed positive shifts in areas of your life beyond relief of the issue you sought help for. Perhaps you feel lighter, less stressed, and less bothered by things that used to be your “pet peeves.” This is the result of your vibrational set-point being raised to a higher level through releasing emotional baggage and other imbalances. Clients often ask me what they can do to help keep their vibrational level high, so they can prevent trapping “new” emotions. There are many ways to stay positive and avoid negative trapped emotions. Here are some for you to consider: Choose Your Emotional Responses Have you ever caught yourself reacting so quickly to a situation that it seems as if your emotional response was built into the equation? This is because your subconscious mind chose that emotion in an attempt to keep you super-safe. It was influenced by your previous experiences and by any trapped emotions you have, including those you inherited and absorbed. Sometimes that response is completely appropriate and can even be life-saving. But frequently, it is out of proportion to the situation, raises your stress level and complicates matters. It can set off a negative spiral, resulting in you trapping more emotions, which cause more inappropriate emotional responses, and on and on it goes. When you find yourself reacting from this default mode, don’t [...]

Big Changes for Clients After Releasing Trapped Emotions

My client, Jamie had pain in her sacrum at a level 5, on and off for years. After releasing 7 Trapped Emotions with The Emotion Code, we got the pain level down to a 2. My client, Sara had a chronic pain in her leg measuring at a level 7. After releasing 6 Trapped Emotions with The Emotion Code, her pain level went down to a 1. My horse client, Echo was totally spooked by a new donkey on his property. Within the first week of meeting the donkey, Echo had a hard time staying on track with his lessons. During my daughter's horse lesson with Echo, I worked on him by proxy, using The Emotion Code. I released 7 Trapped Emotions. The next week when we went for a lesson. Echo went right up to the donkey, nose to nose, to smell him. It was amazing to see such a difference in one week's time. I loved working on this horse! ~Mollie Billings

Preteen Learned to Use The Emotion Code on Himself to Relieve Pain!

I watched 12-year-old Adam identify 2 Trapped Emotions in each of his quads. He did this on his own. He took it upon himself to check himself because his muscles were tender. He successfully released 3 Trapped Emotions but had had some trouble with the third one so he asked me for help with the fourth one. We were able to release them all! He learned how to release Trapped Emotions on himself and felt and measured progress in percents. Later that day, Adam had a sudden pain in his neck. He chose to go to The Emotion Code. He repeated what he'd learned about releasing and measuring by percents like he had done earlier. His neck started feeling better right away! ~Anonymous
