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Practitioner Spotlight: Janet Fullmer

I have several, but my first experience with The Emotion Code is one of my favorites. I majored in Music Education with a vocal emphasis. Two years ago I began to have laryngitis. I could not shake it no matter what I did. I went to specialized doctors, tried all kinds of medicine and used every natural remedy I knew. I was stumped and very discouraged. I loved to sing, After six months of laryngitis, I was desperate.

My sister called and told me to try The Emotion Code. I thought she was crazy and didn't believe it would help me at all! However, at this point I was ready to try anything. How could it hurt? My first Emotion Code session released a lot of trapped Anger. I had been angry at God for giving me challenging children with so many disabilities and behavior problems. (I have two adopted children with severe behavioral issues and 2 children with bipolar disorders) I had stored that anger right in my vocal cords. A couple days after the session, my voice started to return. It was amazing! I kept doing it and it has blessed my life time and time again.

I am singing all the time now. I will never forget that experience. I'm grateful God gave me a painful experience to wake me up to a new modality that has blessed not only my life, but the lives of so many others. Pain is a great teacher! Listen to it and it will help you learn something you've never learned before. The Emotion Code works!!

2018-08-14T15:37:58-06:00July 27th, 2015|Practitioner Spotlight|0 Comments
