Joining the Pastoral Medical Association(PMA) is the best way to protect yourself and your clients’ health care rights! It’s an insurance option that can not only keep your practice out of legal trouble, but may also allow you to feel 100% secure knowing that what you are doing is respected and permissible under the law.
We strongly encourage you to visit the Pastoral Medical Association website today and learn more about this option if you care about your freedoms as an energy healing practitioner.
I became licensed by the PMA last April and my fee was $800 for the first year and will be $400 for each of the next 2 years. So far they have never answered any of my questions – other than to remind me that more money is due next month.
As I am only certified for the Emotion Code and my consultations provided about $2000/year, needless to say I am not very happy. I took it out because I was learning The Body Code (and sessions are therefore free). I will do my certification later in 2014 so perhaps then it will make sense – but it surely does not at the moment.
Hi Elaine,
We recommend that you also check out!
Are there any other options for Canadian BC/EC practitioners?
It appears that handsontrade is for US only.
You can get legal coverage from LegalShield in Canada- I have used LegalShield for many years and wouldn’t be without it and the cost is very reasonable – I am an associate now for LegalShield as well as going for my EC certification – my site for LegalShiel is It is truly a great service.
I became licensed with PMA last Nov. I believe the fee was about $300 per year, tho I can’t exactly remember. However, I know they have recently changed the way that they are charging, and are looking at each individual, and what his/her practice is. That may be why it seems vague at this point. I believe the fee is based now on what your practice is as well as other criteria. In any case, I feel more secure knowing that I am protected legally.
Gave this a quick glance, seems a good idea but they are very vague when it comes to fees. Any idea what the fee would be for a BC or EC practitioner? Even ballpark would be helpful.
Thanks! This is just what I need to feel confident in doing this work, without having many legal worries!