For many, summertime means long, hot days and fun outdoor activities! But, these conditions can lead to a lack of hydration. Hydration plays an important role in our holistic health, from physical to mental and emotional wellness. It even supports our receptivity and processing of energy healing! Read on for a deeper look at how hydration impacts holistic health, and our favorite tips for staying hydrated this summer!

Why is Hydration Important for Energy Healing?

Proper hydration can help energy healing sessions be more effective and successful! This is important for both the practitioner and the recipient of the energy healing. Water is a conductor of energy. When you are hydrated, energy can flow more smoothly through the body. That allows negative energy blockages to be released with more ease while practicing the Emotion Code®, Body Code™, or Belief Code®.

During energy healing sessions, pay extra attention to your hydration level and those of your clients! Sip on a glass of water between each released emotion, energetic imbalance, or belief. Remind your client to hydrate throughout the next day to help facilitate the processing of the session.

How Hydration Supports Your Physical Health

  • Cellular function: Every cell in your body needs water to function properly! Hydration helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells. 
  • Digestion: Water helps break down food so the body can digest it and absorb the nutrients. 
  • Temperature regulation: Hydration helps regulate the body’s temperature.
  • Joints: Water keeps joints moving smoothly. This reduces discomfort and the risk of injury. 
  • Skin health: Proper hydration maintains skin elasticity!
  • Gets rid of toxins: Having enough water in the body helps it flush out toxins.
  • Supports organs: Hydration supports the function of the kidneys, liver, and other organs involved in detoxification, helping the body to cleanse itself more efficiently.

Hydration and Your Mental and Emotional Health

  • Mental performance: Dehydration can impair cognitive function, leading to difficulties in concentration, memory, and overall brain health.
  • Mood regulation: Proper hydration can help regulate your moods! 
  • Stress reduction: Dehydration increases cortisol, the stress hormone, so staying hydrated can help manage stress levels.
  • Hormone balance: Our hormones impact our mental and emotional health. When we are well hydrated, our body is able to detoxify itself and regulate a healthy hormone balance. 
  • Emotional wellness: By supporting brain function and hormonal balance, hydration supports a balanced mood and emotional stability 

Common symptoms of dehydration include:

  • Infrequent or dark urine
  • Dry skin
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Rapid breathing or heart rate
  • Sunken eyes
  • Lack of energy

Tips for Staying Hydrated this Summer

1. Set water goals: Aim to drink around 8 cups (about 2 liters) of water each day – or more if you live in a hot climate, or are very physically active.

2. Fill a water bottle and take it with you: Keeping a reusable water bottle on hand, wherever you go, can help you drink more throughout the day.

3. Eat hydrating foods: Drinking liquids isn’t the only way to stay hydrated! Make sure to include fruits and vegetables with high water content in your diet. These include delicious treats such as watermelon, oranges, and cucumbers.

woman eating cucumber to hydrate in the summer

4. Limit caffeine: Limit your intake of diuretics such as caffeine and alcohol. These can increase your water output, leading to dehydration.

5. Set reminders: If you tend to forget to drink water, try setting a few reminders on your phone or smart device. Each time the reminder goes off, take a few sips! Soon you may find you’re in the habit of staying hydrated, and won’t even need the reminders anymore!

6. Try to drink before you get thirsty: Thirst is a sign that your body is already dehydrated! Try to make it a habit to drink water regularly, instead of only when you’re already thirsty.

7. When exercising, hydrate even more: Give extra focus to your hydration when exercising, since sweat and exertion can dehydrate your body! Drink water before, during, and after physical activity to replace fluids lost.

8. Start the day with water: Drink a glass of water when you wake up. This can help rehydrate yourself after a night of sleep.

9. Flavor your water: Add natural flavors to your water with lemon juice, slices of fruit, herbs, or cucumber to make it more enjoyable.

drinking tea to rehydrate during the summertime

10. Drink teas: Herbal teas can be another healthy way to add flavor and variety to your hydration routine! Brew a hot or iced tea, and enjoy.

11. Be aware of when you need more water: External factors can affect your hydration needs! If it’s hot outside, humid, or you are at a higher altitude, you will likely need more water in order to stay hydrated.

12. Add electrolytes: Electrolytes are minerals that the body needs to function. Most people can replenish their electrolytes through a regular healthy diet. However, when it’s hot out or you’re engaging in a lot of physical exercise, supplementing additional electrolytes can help you stay hydrated. Add electrolytes to your diet by drinking coconut water, a sports drink, adding an electrolyte powder mix to your beverage, or adding a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of non-processed salt to your water.

13. Use energy healing: The Body Code can help address hydration issues! There is an entire section of the Body Code devoted to hydration, including issues with absorption, electrolyte deficiency, and more. By releasing energetic imbalances associated with these issues, you may find your body is better able to process and utilize water! 

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Energy Healing and Hydration: The Body Code

Do you find yourself drinking lots of water and still feeling thirsty? It’s possible an energetic imbalance is impacting your ability to fully utilize the water you drink. Or, perhaps there is an issue with the quality of the water you’re consuming. When working with the energy healing method the Body Code, practitioners can simply and easily ask the body what it needs to bring it back into balance. 

Dehydration issues addressed by the Body Code: 

  • Water deficiency, or a lack of water intake
  • Water quality problem, or intake of water that is poor quality
  • Water absorption problem, or improper absorption of water
  • Water utilization problem, or improper utilization of water
  • Electrolyte deficiency, or a lack of mineral (electrolyte) intake
  • Electrolyte absorption or utilization problem 

It is not uncommon to have a problem with hydration stemming from several of the above issues! When these imbalances are released, the body may be able to adjust and adapt on its own. With some of these issues, your practitioner may recommend making lifestyle adjustments, such as using a water filter, drinking spring water, adding more electrolytes to your diet, or drinking more water. 

Boost your holistic health and stay hydrated this summer!

By making hydration a priority, you are supporting every aspect of your health! Think your hydration levels would benefit from energy healing? Our energy healing practitioners can’t wait to help you! Let our professional energy healing practitioners remove the energetic imbalances that could be keeping you thirsty! 

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