
The Brain of the Heart

One 8-year-old girl received a 10-year-old girl’s heart. After the transplant, she started having terrible recurring nightmares in which she was being murdered. The donor had been killed. Thanks to the precision of the little girl’s dreams, police were able to capture and prosecute the killer...

2019-07-02T09:54:31-06:00May 9th, 2014|Articles, Emotional Healing|0 Comments

Living In The Deficit

Written by Lisa Magnusson, CBCP/CECP A man, bent over and limping, often complained how much pain he experienced on a daily basis. “I would give ANYTHING to get better,” he exclaimed. Friends lent ears of sympathy, and offered advice ranging in surgical procedures to miracle [...]

2019-07-01T13:11:02-06:00May 8th, 2014|Abundance, Articles|0 Comments

Blessing Your DNA

Can we bless our DNA to better health? Expert Charan Surdhar takes us through how Blessing our DNA can affect our lives. As we bless others, without expecting any outcome other then joy for them in whatever way is right, we begin to have a vibration of joy ourselves, it is inevitable.

2019-07-02T09:55:14-06:00May 6th, 2014|Articles, Emotional Healing|0 Comments

Clearing a Victim Mentality

I’ve seen too many people in this world that are victims – victims of abuse, rudeness, dishonesty, violence, discrimination, etc. Each one of us is a victim at some point. However, some people seem to perpetually find themselves in this position. There are too many people who truly are victims and it seems to happen continually, over and over again. Some people just seem to attract bad luck and abuse. If you feel like you’re one of those, the purpose of this article is NOT to lay the blame on your shoulders. I’m not saying that it’s your fault or that the perpetrators of the abuse, dishonesty, etc. are not responsible for their actions and don’t need to answer for them.

2019-07-02T09:57:29-06:00April 26th, 2014|Articles, Emotional Healing|0 Comments

Changing the World with The Body Code and Lucille Boettger

The Body Code has been much more powerful than The Emotion Code in terms of its effectiveness and ability to produce clearly visible results - for example, the resolution of Plantar Fasciitis in a client by releasing inflammation energy and facial distortion, which is something that I could not have done with just The Emotion Code as a tool.

2019-07-02T09:58:27-06:00April 25th, 2014|Articles, Emotional Healing|0 Comments

Your True Self for True Healing

Think about it, should we really expect a great working body and mind when we are burdened with emotional baggage and making choices that create imbalances? If we have no clear purpose, if we are at odds in our relationships, if we have little or no excitement about the work that we do (that takes roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of our waking hours), if we don’t exercise, have fun, eat well, and be kind to others and our selves doesn’t it make sense that our body will tell that story. When we live a dis-eased life, can we expect a body that is not?

2019-07-02T10:03:00-06:00April 9th, 2014|Articles, Emotional Healing|0 Comments
