When dramatic events are happening in life, our energies will fluctuate between highs and lows. It can be a trying venture to figure out how to get rid of negative energy. Too often people choose to withdraw completely as a personal-energy self-defense. This is not necessary. It is all about establishing your energy boundaries. Think of them like locks on your home. The locks, like your energy boundaries, keep people out until you know that you are safe and protected, and then you can undo the locks and let them in.
Identify Excess Negative Energy
Sometimes we are trying so hard to be there for others, we lose sight of our own needs and ignore warning signs that negative energy is diminishing our overall energetic vibration. Some signs that it is time to raise your vibration and rid yourself of negative energy are:
- Mood swings
- Apathy
- Fatigue
- Loss of concentration
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Physical pain like headaches, stomach aches, even chest pains
How To Get Rid of Negative Energy
The beauty of raising your energy vibration is that the best remedies are all about kindness and simplicity. To raise your vibration and reduce negative energy, you can:
- Control what is in you. Eat healthy, live whole foods. The shorter the time from tree to tasting, from ground to gourmet, the more positive energy you will receive.
- Control what is around you. Stay away from chronically toxic people and situations. Stay off of negative social media.
- Eliminate clutter, physical and spiritual. Clean lines and open spaces in your living area can provide calmness and serenity. Purge yourself of emotional clutter like trapped emotions.
- Literally “ground” yourself. This concept is also known as “earthing.” You know that great feeling you have after a day at the beach? That is about more than a day of relaxation. Standing or walking in bare feet in grass, sand, or even on a concrete surface that is immediately above the soil can rid your body of ever-so-damaging negative energy.
- Embrace joy. As they say, “laughter is the best medicine.” Share random hugs and smiles. Think about all you have to be grateful for and share that gratitude. Keep negative energy at bay with positive thoughts and acts.
- Slow down and love the little things. Humans have adopted the rat race as a way of life, and it need not be that way. There is nothing and no one more important than YOU. Make sure you have sufficient alone time and use it to enjoy what makes you content. A walk in the woods, smelling fresh-cut grass, watching children play, a day of reading (check out Discover Healing). The possibilities are endless.
A life of contentment is all about personal power and choices. If you find yourself spending all of your time trying to figure out how to get rid of negative energy, you need to make some changes in your life. If you are caught in a downward spiral of negative thoughts, observe your surroundings and activities and figure out what changes need to be made to raise your vibration. Energetic boundaries are not selfish, they are medical and necessary.
Everything is energy, so the more positive your energy is, the better you will feel.
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