Going back to school can be a difficult time for kids any year! Emotions ranging from excitement to nervousness and stress can all arise. This year, those feelings may be amplified, especially if your kid spent the past year doing distance learning. If your child has been participating in school through video calls for some of the past year, the change back to in-person lessons can be a big shift! Want to help support your child through this transition? Here are a few ways you can help.
How to make going back to school easier for your children
1. Talk them through the changes
Uncertainty can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress. Remember to take time to talk to your kid about what to expect this year. This can help them mentally and emotionally prepare for what will be different. You might talk them through what a normal day will look like at school this year — from dropping them off to picking them up at the end of the day.
2. Create a routine
Children typically thrive with routines. Try to stay consistent with their morning and nighttime habits. This can also help support your child in getting enough sleep, which is very important for their physical and emotional development. Beyond eating healthy, balanced meals each morning and night after school, think about other routines you’d like to create with your child. This can be unique to your family! Perhaps you take a walk together each afternoon, you share something you’re grateful for that day before dinner, or you play your kid’s favorite song on the drive to school each morning.
3. Make space to talk about feelings
Making space for your children to safely express their thoughts and feelings can be a powerful tool in helping them cope with the big changes they’re experiencing. Let your kids know it’s natural to have feelings of anxiousness when things are changing. It’s helpful to acknowledge that there has been a lot to adjust to this year. When there’s no hesitancy or shame around sharing these feelings, it becomes a lot easier for kids to process them in a healthy way, with your help.
4. Plan playtime
Kids, just like adults, need time to relax. While school and homework are important, make sure to give your kids the leeway to play too. When they first get home from school, it can be a good idea to just give them some unstructured time to do whatever they want. Head to a playground, pull out some paint, or just let them run rampant in the backyard!
5. Keep an eye out
Even if it seems like your kid is managing the change to in-person school well, you might want to keep an eye out for other signs that they’re having a hard time. Stomachaches, trouble sleeping, headaches, potty training regressions, and bedwetting can all be signs that your child is stressed. If you start to notice these symptoms in your child, you may want to talk to a medical professional to learn more about ways you can help.
6. Use energy healing
Energy healing can be a powerful tool for anyone who is struggling, and kids are no exception! Using The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™ with your child can help them to release any imbalances that are making it harder for them to succeed at school this year. Perhaps they’re nervous about making new friends, or they are worried about being away from you all day. Many clients have reported that these energy healing tools help reduce feelings of anxiousness, remove blocks that keep them from fully connecting with others, and so much more. Learn more about how The Emotion Code and The Body Code can help support your family!
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